Prayer @ Wake
Formed in 2002, Prayer @ Wake is a community in the parish with a specific ministry to pray at wakes and be present with and render support for the families in their moments of bereavement.
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died.
— 1 Ts 4:13-14
Mission. To be the presence of Christ and His Church to the bereaved families
As members of the ministry, we are committed to attend all wakes to pray for God's love, mercy and forgiveness on the deceased and to render emotional support and consolation to the bereaved family and loved ones.
We also render assistance at funeral masses and prayer service at the crematorium.
As a community we meet and pray together every month, offering praise, worship and thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and to foster fellowship among members.
Motto for Members. The Dead Cannot Wait
Members’ Commitment
To pray at wakes
To attend all meetings and gatherings of our ministry
To give support when the group is called upon to perform other duties in the church
To attend and assist funeral masses (Optional for working members)
We see ourselves as disciples of Christ, not as volunteers. As such, we want to evangelise to one and all at the wakes, not only through our prayer but also through our actions. We aim to be a community of joyful followers of Christ.
Wake/Funeral Arrangements
Please contact the Parish Office
Join Us, please contact our ministry coordinators