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Neighbourhood Christian Communities

Neighbourhood Christian Communities (NCC) is a microcosm of the Church having the following characteristics:


One. We are united with the parish and with each other.


Holy. We are Christ-centred, they do gospel-sharing and engage in other forms of prayer.


Catholic. We welcome everybody, they are not exclusive by age or interest etc.


Apostolic. They serve and evangelise (mission in action).


All four characteristics must be present for the group to be a NCC.


NCCs are basic Christianity. Members can devote their lives to forming them and know that they are building something that will last.


Our Vision


To make St Bernadette Neighbourhood Christian Communities an integral part of our Church and its people, united with the parish mission and with each other, living their faith in a communion of communities.


Purpose of NCCs


An NCC is not a church ministry. They are Christ-centred communities, approved and encouraged by the universal Catholic Church. These communities are a sign of vitality within the Church, an instrument of formation and evangelisation, and a solid starting point for a new society based on civilisation of love.


So that all parishes of this kind may be truly communities of Christians, local ecclesial authorities ought to foster… small, basic or so-called ‘living’ communities, where the faithful can communicate the word of God and express it in service and love to one another; these communities are true expressions of ecclesial communion and centres of evangelisation, in communion with their pastors.

— Pope St John Paul II, Christifideles Laici


NCCs at the Church of St Bernadette


NCCs are typically a group of parishioners that live nearby (within the same housing cluster or within a cluster of nearby blocks). They are a group of about 3 to 5 (and up to 20 people) that meet once a month in each other’s homes.


In a large group, not all can turn up for the meetings and typically about 6 to 10 people are present at monthly meetings. There is no formal group structure or leader and the group is led by facilitators who surface with the grace of the Holy Spirit.


NCCs within our parish are a communion of communities, well-grounded in the Catholic sharing method. When the NCC meets, the facilitator takes the group through sharing the Gospel (Word of the day).


Beside this NCC also does the following:

  • A movie clip or presentation with a spiritual topic and discussion or sharing follows on how the show touched each member

  • A prayer exercise, Rosary, Divine Mercy, Taize, Meditation, etc

  • The parish priest will come occasionally to dedicate a Mass for all the members

  • Food and Fellowship night

  • Outright Session to help the poor and those in need of physical or spiritual support

  • A outing to know what the archdiocese is doing

  • To Bring Christmas Cheer to the people in the neighbourhood.

  • To help the share the Lent observation in arranging sharing during this period

  • To bring cheer and happiness to all people that we are the followers of Christ


If you would like to attend any group to find out more about NCC, please contact our coordinator.

We are a Catholic community of faith, committed to being a spring of living water in the city,

where all are welcome to encounter God. We witness the joy of His love and serve our neighbours.

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