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Ministry of the Sick and Elderly

I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.
— Mt 28:20


Our ministry is made up of parishioners who seek to bring the healing comfort and presence of our Lord Jesus beyond the walls of our parish to the home and hospital. We prayerfully seek to be a channel of Christ’s love and compassion whilst journeying with them through our ministry.


Our mission is to engage with them and encourage them to continue to build a relationship with God and pray with them in their times of physical ailments and needs. We take Communion to our beneficiaries so that the compassion and divine grace of our Lord Jesus will continue to strengthen their faith and they feel his presence in their lives.


We serve the parishioners of St Bernadette, who are no longer able to attend church due to age, illness, or disability, as well as for those who are convalescing in Singapore General Hospital (SGH).


If you would like to request for our Minister of Care to visit or would like to join our ministry, please call or email the parish office with the details.

We are a Catholic community of faith, committed to being a spring of living water in the city,

where all are welcome to encounter God. We witness the joy of His love and serve our neighbours.

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