Jan 17, 2024
PIETA is a support group for bereaved parents who have united in faith to seek God's comfort, wisdom and hope. A monthly session, run by bereaved parents, is held to pray, reflect and break open the WORD OF GOD.
We invite any parent who has lost a child (regardless of age and no matter how recent or long ago) to unite with us in faith.
The session will be held every 4th Tuesday of the month.
Our next session on Tues 23 January 2024 will be on Zoom and will be from 7:30pm to 9:15pm. If you wish to join us, please email us directly at pieta.singapore@gmail.com for the Zoom link.
PIETA Singapore Background
We are a community of Catholic parents who, after the death of our children, united in faith to seek God’s comfort, hope and wisdom.
Pieta started in early 2016, when 4 parents came together to acknowledge the role our Catholic faith played in restoring our lives after the death of our children. We believe that God never abandoned us. Instead He continued to enfold each one in love. Searching together in faith and prayer, we found new meaning in the gift of life.
We know that in our despair it is difficult to see God’s hand of love and compassion. In our confusion and disparate feelings of anger, regret, guilt and hopelessness, we cannot accept the tragedy of our loss but we can ask for the grace to be sustained by our faith and hope in Christ Jesus.
In prayer and in the silence of our hearts we begin to hear and see the Lord’s presence in our lives. Together we accompany each other on this journey of faith and experience the peace which only Christ can give.
Our spiritual director is Good Shepherd Sister Elizabeth Lim who brings with her a wealth of experience having established and run the Good Shepherd Oasis since 1998.
Pieta is an association overseen by Catholic Family Life in Singapore. It was founded on 22 September 2016.
For more information visit https://www.pietasingapore.org/