Divine Mercy Group
The Divine Mercy is a devotion (not a ministry) based on the Christological apparitions of Jesus to St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun. It is God's "loving mercy" towards all people who are searching for a meaning in life, for conversions / those who have lost their faith and especially for all the sacrileges committed against the Holy Eucharist.
Two main themes of the devotion are:
To trust in Christ's endless goodness and the desire to let that love and mercy flow through one's own heart towards those in need of it. Also acting as a conduit for God's love towards all souls. St. Pope John Paul II had a great affinity towards this devotion and authorised it in the Liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic church. The devotion is believed to be the preparation for the end times as it is in this era that people need to turn to God's infinite mercy. As spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ to St Faustina, "mankind will not be at peace until he turns to My Divine Mercy.
Our mission is to spread the Divine Mercy devotion by word, deed and prayer. So do come and join us and as in the Bible, our Lord said " Come and see" when he was asked where does He live. MERCY is the greatest attribute of GOD.
Invitation open to all who love to pray, no qualities needed and all are a team. No restrictions nor commitments, but would be good if can attend the Holy Hour to Divine Mercy every Tuesday at 7.15pm at the Parish Centre, Room AV1, Level 2.
Learn more, watch the below video: