Our Regular Services
Weekday Masses
Mondays - Fridays
7.00am & 6.30pm
Public Holidays
Weekend Masses
English Masses at 7.00am
& 6.00pm (Vigil)
Chinese Mass at 8.30am
English Masses at 10.00am, 11:45am & 5.30pm
Adhoc Masses
Indonesian Masses
1st and 3rd Sundays: 3.00pm
Filipino Masses
4th Sundays: 2.00pm
Adoration Room
The Adoration Room has reopened & accessible for prayers & adoration. Room will open daily after the first Mass of the day, all the way to 10pm. It will be closed for cleaning on every Saturday morning from 9.45am - 11.45am.
We are a Catholic community of faith, committed to being a spring of living water in the city,
where all are welcome to encounter God. We witness the joy of His love and serve our neighbours.
Learn more about our Parish's Mission from this Video.
New to our Parish? Click below to learn more about us!

Charities Week Lenten 2025
Please support and donate generously towards Charities Week 2025, an Archdiocesan annual fundraising project. The funds raised will enable the Caritas Singapore Family to provide vital programmes and services to serve the poor and elderly, persons with disabilities or special needs, migrants, youth-at-risk, lower-income families, and more. Let us walk together with our brothers and sisters in need.

Pro-Life Rosary Prayer
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Pro-Life Rosary is a beautiful way to pray for the unborn children and all who are affected by abortion. Let our Rosaries be our weapon against the culture of death and let us pray for the dawning of a new culture, the culture of LIFE! Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!
Come and Join Us to Pray Together.

Course from the Catholic Leadership Centre: Heart to Heart
Do you desire to be a better leader or a better companion in journeying with others? Start with being a better listener as listening is the foundation of accompaniment. Thereafter they are invited to listen to one another without judgment and receive the gift of being listened to with undivided attention, within small groups.

Course from the Catholic Leadership Centre: Companions
As baptised followers of Jesus, we are all called to accompany one another in our journey towards holiness. Experience a taster of what it means to be walked with and to walk alongside another within a mutually enriching relationship, each supporting the other to grow in faith and holiness together.
A two-part workshop on 12 April & 17 May 2025. Venue at Agape Village. $60/- per pax.

Seeds Of Growth Sessions for JC/IB Students
OYP is back with its next run of Seeds of Growth — happening over two Saturdays in April for all A-levels/IB students!
There’ll be worship, faith formation sessions, prayer, and fellowship. Come and grow in friendship with God, and fellow A-levels/IB students!

SHINE25 Retreat for Polytechnic, ITE and Private Diploma students
Calling all Polytechnic, ITE and Private diploma students between 16-25 y/o! SHINE is a Catholic encounter retreat for all who are currently studying or waiting to be enrolled in any local Polytechnic, ITE, or private diploma institutions!